Broad Breasted turkeys
For the 2024 season we are raising a mix of Orlopp Bronze Turkeys and a classic White Turkey. These broad breasted breeds producse a high quality meat with delicious natural fat layering. These majestic birds are all given free range access to our pastures from the time that they are old enough to be safe in outdoor temperatures. They are protected from predators by by our LGD Sorcha and the use of large run electric fencing that we move on a weekly basis so that they always have access to the fresh, high quality forage. Their diet is supplemented with a locally sourced whole grain feed which we ferment weekly. Fermented feed is higher in protein and contains beneficial bacteria that decreases pathogens and increases the overall gut health of our flock, plus they can’t get enough of it!
To learn more about our on-farm butchering process and to inquire about putting a deposit on a bird for Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2024 please contact us HERE.